Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Science Olympiad

Hole's Anatomy and Physiology TEXTBOOK
Online Course Resources  - Lab Activities, Animations, Lecture Notes & Webquests.


More to come!!

Practicum Testing and FINAL EXAM schedule!

EXAM schedule for Phlebotomy:
Exam 4 - (5/22) Tues., afterschooL OR (5/23) Wed., 8th period. OR  (5/24) Thurs., 1st period
LAB PRACTICAL EXAM  - (5/24) Thurs., 2nd period
FINAL EXAM  - ALL SENIORS (phlebotomy & pharmacy) -  May 29 (1st or 2nd)
If you need to see me, this will be my schedule
  Tuesday, afterschool
  Wednesday, 8 am & afterschool
  Thursday, 8 am & afterschool
  Friday, afterschool
NOTE:  I will not be at school on Friday morning - Spencer's graduation.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Phlebotomy STUDENTS

Please write or type/printout the Lab Practical Review.  Please turn in for a grade on Tuesday, 5/22.  This will be your QUIZ grade for the day.  The rest of the Lab Practical will be posted later today.  Keep up the good work...only a few more days left!  You are on your way to be RockStar Phlebotomists!

Lab Practical REVIEW

1.  Most efficient & economical ways of preventing a nosocomial infection is by:            ______________________
2.  How do you for patient identification?_______________________________________________________ 
3.  Describe correct procedure for washing hands before and after patient contact?

4.  What is used for routine cleaning of the venipunctures site. ________________________________
5.  Describe  proper position of the bevel of the needle once it is inserted into the vein is:
___________________________________________________________ 6.  List reason that may cause hemolysis of the specimen during collection of the  sample.
7.  List the steps for the performance of a routine venipunctures in the proper order?

 8.  List the correct order of the draw filling vacuum collection tubes?
9.  The most likely reason blood is NOT obtained from a clean stick on an elderly patient with 
                 apparently good veins is due to the: ________________________________________________
10.  Chemistry, hematology, and coagulation tests re-ordered on a three year old child with
                  good veins.  What is the best choice of equipment?  ___________________________________
11.  When drawing a multiple sample blood specimen, which of the following tests should be
                   collected first? blood culture, CBC, Electrolytes and glucose, coagulation studies
12.  Which analytes may be falsely increased due to the tourniquet being left  on too long?

13.  During the performance of a venipunctures you accidentally stick yourself with the used     
                  needle.  What should bee done first? _______________________________________________
A.    Fills with blood
B.    Needle
C.    Holder
D.   Rubber sleeve
_____  Secures double-pointed needle
_____  Covers needle in between filling tubes
_____  Tube sealed with partial vacuum
_____  Used to collect multiple tubes of blood without blood leakage
15.  What color tube is used for the following tests. Blue

No additive   __________       Heparin   _______________               Sodium citrate  ___________
EDTA  __________                Sodium fluoride___________ 
Blood glucose which will be tested in 3 hours  _______________
STAT chemistries  _______________________                     Prothrombin time  ____________
Complete blood count  _______________      Blood typing (serum)  ________________
16.  How do  additives in blood collection tubes prevent blood from clotting?

17.  Which of the blood samples must be chilled immediately after collection?

18.  What is the FIRST vein of choice for the routine venipuncture?  ______________________

19.  Which of the tube stopper colors will result in a sample which contains clotting factors left in the fluid portion of the blood?  ___________________________________
20.  The microhematocrit tube is spun down.  When the tube is inspected there are three
                   layers that form.  What is contained in the “buffy coat” layer?  ______________________
21.  List potential sites for microcollection of blood samples?  ________________________
22.  List the proper method for warming a heel prior to heel puncture is:

23.  The lancet used to perform capillary puncture on an infant’s heel must not exceed:  ____________
24.  Capillary punctures performed on the heel are generally performed to collect blood onto
                   filter paper for the Newborn Screening test.  LIST  the following proper 
                   procedure to follow for collection of the sample?
25.  If the alcohol is not allowed to dry before you collect blood from a capillary puncture, which
        of the following will occur?  

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Phlebotomy Students - RESOURCES

ACC Phlebotomy has tons of helpful sites that can help you succeed in passing Phlebotomy!  You can do it!


Influenza 1918

The link below will lead you to the PBS site which shows the Influenza 1918 video that was shown in class on Friday, May 11.  Please turn in video worksheet by Friday, May  18.


Bacteria poster due on May 11 -  Past due!  Losing 10 points per day!  MAJOR GRADE
Powerpoints due on May 15 - Past due!  Turn into my Turn in DRIVE at school.  Noted as Colclasure-HST.
FIRST aid packets due on May 18.  Please come in before or after school to use textbooks. 

 Please note on Wednesday, May 16 - before school I will be at a faculty meeting.  

Questions - please see me.

Friday, May 4, 2012


May 22 nd --   Senior Awards Night
May 24th  -- 9th‐11th  Awards Night

You will be notified if you will be receiving an award!  Wish I could give out more than 1 medal!!! So many well deserving students, who make my job GREAT!