Sunday, October 14, 2012

November Current EVENT due Nov. 1 & 2

Current events will be due either Nov. 1 (B) or 2 (A).  Spend time on this summary so that you can hand in quality work.  This will be a major grade.  Please see me if you have problems with your summary or any advice on the article or news source.  I will be handing out the grading rubrics again in class.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Ending of GRADING Period!

Before you can blink, the end of the grading period is fast approaching.  Please see me if you need to complete corrections or make-up work.  It is your responsibility to take care of this matter! 

My Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Afterschool - 4:15-5:00
Tuesday, Friday morning - Before school - 8:00-8:50

Last Date to turn in corrections or make-up work will be OCTOBER 19, FRIDAY

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A&P Powerpoints

Attention A&P students:
Please note that future A&P powerpoints for class will be taken from the following website.
I suggest you bookmark the site to make sure you get the information you miss if you are absent! 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A sample current event is on the link below.  The requirements for this article and the sample current have been given to you.  Due dates are firm and are due by the dates listed in class, usually the first Friday of the month. See Mrs. Colclasure if you have questions.  This is a MAJOR grade!