Monday, March 26, 2012

Phlebotomy Practice TEST

Multiple Choice:        1 point each

1.      Phlebotomists may be required to perform all of the following EXCEPT:
A.     Capillary puncture
B.     Venipuncture
C.     Processing patient specimens
D.     Complicated analyses on blood and body fluids.

2.      The patient’s Bill of Rights was designed so that all members of the health care team recognize that the first responsibility is to:
A.     Protecting the hospital from litigation
B.     Providing the nurse with correct information
C.     Provide information about the identity and role of personnel involved in his or her care.
D.     Assure proper collection and analysis of lab specimens.

3.      Doctors in this type of health-care facility will be specialists in particular group of diseases:
A.     Primary care facility
B.     Secondary care facility
C.     Tertiary care facility

4.      The clinical laboratory personnel who possess a bachelor’s degree and performs routine to complex tests and procedures in the clinical laboratory is a/an:
A.     Laboratory director
B.     Medical Technologist (MT) (Clinical Laboratory Scientist)
C.     Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) (Clinical Laboratory technician)
D.     Phlebotomist

5.      The plane that divides the body into upper and lower portions is the:
A.     Sagittal plane
B.     Transverse plane
C.     Posterior plane
D.     Medial plane

6.      Which organ system provides communication in the body through sensations, thoughts, emotions and memories?
A.     Muscular
B.     Nervous
C.     Respiratory
D.     Digestive

7.      Which of the following is NOT on of the major groups of blood cells?
A.     Leukocytes
B.     Thrombocytes
C.     Synovialcytes
D.     Erythrocytes

8.      Which of the following cells have no nuclei when present in the circulating blood?
A.     Red blood cell (RBC)
B.     White blood cell (WBC)
C.     Megakarcyte

9.      Which side of the heart is responsible for pumping t oxygen rich blood to all parts of the body?
A.     Right
B.     Left
C.     Central
D.     Vena cava

10.  A very important step in preventing the spread of infection is:
A.     Gowning
B.     Hand washing
C.     Gloving
D.     Masking

11.  Which Transmission-Based Precaution?
A.     Contact Precautions
B.     Airborne precautions
C.     Droplet Precautions

12.  What is the additive contained in the purple/lavender topped tubes?
A.     Potassium oxalate or sodium fluoride
B.     Sodium Oxalate
C.     EDTA
D.     Sodium Heparin

13.  You have been sent to the floor to draw blood for hematology tests including a CBC and differential.  What color tube top should you draw?
A.     Light blue
B.     Purple/lavender
C.     Green
D.     Plain red

14.  When blood is drawn into a green-topped anticoagulated tube, the liquid portion of the specimen is most appropriately called:
A.     Heparinized plasma
B.     Plain serum
C.     EDTA plasma
D.     Citrated plasma

15.  You are sent to the floor to draw blood specimens.  You introduce yourself and state your mission.  The patient seems quite aware of the situation, but flatly refuses to allow the procedure.  What is your best course of action?
A.     Wait for a nurse to try to obtain the patient’s cooperation
B.     Restrain the patient and stick them anyway
C.     Leave the requisition slips and your phone number with the patient in case they change their mind
D.     Do not draw the patient, inform the nurse of the situation so the physician may be informed
16.  What is the recommended maximum amount of time a tourniquet can remin tied on the patient’s arm?
A.     30 seconds
B.     30-45 seconds
C.     1 minute
D.     3-5 minutes

Essay:                         2 points

17.  List two times during the work day when Phlebotomists should wash their hands.

Matching:                   5 points

18.  The following VACUTAINER tube types are indicated by the color of the stopper.  Match each to the additive it contains, if any.

____ i.       Lavender topped          a. potassium oxalate, sodium fluoride
____ ii.       Light blue topped          b. none
____ iii.      Green topped               c. sodium, lithium, or ammonium heparin
____ iv.      Plain red topped           d. sodium citrate
____ v.   Gray topped                 e. ethylenediamine tetra-acetic acid DTA)

Matching:                   4 points

19.  Match each of the following VACUTAINER tube types with laboratory test(s) for which it would be useful.  Use the answers only one time.

____ i.       Lavender top                a.         STAT chemistries using plasma
____ ii.       Light blue top               b.         Hematology studies/CBC
____ iii.      Plain red top                 c.         Coagulation studies/PT & PTT
____ iv.      Green top                     d.         Serology & blood bank tests    

Multiple Choice:        1 point each

20.  Professional character attributes for phlebotomists include all of the following EXCEPT:
A.     Accountability for doing things right
B.     Dedication to high standards of performance
C.     Exceptional math skills
D.     Propensity for cleanliness

21.  Homeostasis refers to which of the following:
A.     Steady-state condition
B.     Chemical imbalance
C.     Anabolism
D.     Genetic make-up

22.  Identification of the patient is the most critical part of the phlebotomy procedure.  Which of the following is NOT REQUIRED when identifying a patient?
A.     Ask the patient to state their name
B.     Compare the armband to the requisition
C.     Ask the patient to state their doctor’s name
D.     Compare the name offered by the patient to the name on the requisition

23.  Serum and plasma differ in the following way:
A.     Serum has clotting factors, plasma does not
B.     Plasma has clotting factors serum does not
C.     Serum allows the sample to be used in tests requiring a whole blood sample
D.     Samples containing plasma cannot be used for tests requiring the use of whole blood

Fill in the Blank:        1 point each
24.  Blood alcohol levels must be drawn into a _________________ stoppered tube.
25.  The hemostatic process, also called coagulation, proceeds in four steps.  The step involved in the ultimate removal or dissolution of the fibrin clot once healing has occurred is called ____________________.